I saw in my feed today that there is a new ebilling administration product available called BillSync by ScanLogic. They call it “the first ebilling platform to be launched in 20 years based on new technologies.” The platform is “designed to aggregate all ebilling data across multiple platforms and vendors” and their press release goes on to refer to it as “a solution to aggregating all billing data where others cannot.” I have not yet seen the product and am curious whether their technology really does access the dozens of ebilling platforms in the legal industry that law firms are required to use. If it truly lives up to this promise, then this is indeed a powerful solution.
Readers should investigate for themselves here.
Category: LF EB Administration Tool
About tools that can be used to administer the ebilling function at law firms
New Law Firm Ebilling Compliance Tool
A new tool has been released by Smart Time Apps called EBillReady that is designed to perform pre-invoice submission validation. By increasing the accuracy of first time invoice submissions the tool helps to create a more efficient and less costly workflow.
The cloud-based system allows for creating validation tests based on client outside counsel guidelines and, by importing a LEDES file, will identify issues and provide a means to easily edit the ebill. To learn more go to their web site.
New Ebilling Administration and LEDES Generation Tools
In the last few months I have heard about quite a few new products for law firms to create LEDES invoice files or to administer ebilling. Halleluiah! We need more alternatives to generate the more complex LEDES formats and to make ebilling administration within the law firm more efficient. What am I talking about?
Over the summer I learned about Kestrel’s eBillingFlow, a tool for law firms to create, track and report on ebills. Looks like a great solution to help administer ebilling.
BillBlast is another ebilling administration tool that looks fabulous and offers back analytics to the law firm. The product development team has actual experience with client requirements and the lack of technology for law firm billers to deliver and manage ebills efficiently.
TyMetrix will soon release a rebranded version of the old LEDESense program that they purchased a couple years back, now called eBillingDesk. The program facilitates the creation of the more complex LEDES invoice formats and is a great invoice editing tool. I was fortunate to get an advanced peek at the tool and liked what I saw.