Law Department Webinars
System Selection 101 for Law Departments
If you are a law department considering selecting a new matter management and ebilling system, or have are considering replacing the system you are currently using, this webinar is for you. During this webinar we discuss system selection methodologies, considerations and how to start this process.
Law Firm Webinars
Intro to Law Firm Ebilling
This webinar is tailored for law firms new to ebilling. During this interactive 60 minute session we discuss why clients mandate ebilling, their expectations, the on-boarding process, setting up to ebill, UTBMS and alternatives to creating LEDES invoice files.
Webinars for All
Global Taxes and LEDES Ebilling for Legal
This webinar will provide an understanding of global taxes and how they are accommodated by the different LEDES ebilling formats and is presented by GLE founder Jane Bennitt, who wrote XML 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 formats. This webinar includes adequate time to answer all of your questions on global taxes and legal ebilling.
To request a webinar, click here.